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Copyright©2007-22 by Epler Fur Co., Inc. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Website by Hawk Mountain Designs |
Lure, Bait & Urine - 8 |
Sawmill Creek Lures & Baits |
Aftershock Bait Designed as a true bait that predators want to eat, not just dig up and either roll in or leave behind. It's a combination of meats and other ingredients to draw the maximum response |
Order #SC01 $7.50 - 1oz. |
Autumn Addition Lure A thick & musky lure that works for all predators. Use at either dirt holes or flat sets, . This lure is a perfect blend of muskrat glands, mink glands, beaver castor, a hint of skunk, plus a couple other ingredients to get a predator’s attention. |
Order #SC02 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Bailey Hollow Lure A LDC lure with a food base & other ingredients to help get and keep an animal’s attention. This is a thick paste to help it stay put. This lure has plenty of calling power for fisher & martin trappers and late season canine & cats. There is plenty more to this lure than just skunk |
C-4 Lure A mouse based predator lure that gets and keeps their attention. A thick, mild and musky lure with no skunk, just the right amount oils and other ingredients added. Your holes will look like a bomb went off! |
Order #SC03 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Enchanted Lake Lure Enchanted Lake is a mink gland and food lure combination. It combines mink and muskrat glands with other ingredients in the right proportions to draw them to your sets. |
Order #SC04 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Ruby Red Lure Aged red fox glands with added ingredients to help get their attention. Works with all types of canine sets and is also attractive to coyotes and bobcat. |
Order #SC05 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Triple C Lure A thick and sticky raccoon lure with a burning sweet scent. Use a lima bean amount in your DP or any other set. Also attractive to gray fox. |
Order #SC06 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Order #SC07 $12.50 - 1 pint |
Final Step Bait Final Step is a beaver meat based predator bait with a touch of cheese and just a hint of calling power. Not loud and rotten to draw unwanted catches in early season. |
Order #SC08 $12.50 - 1 pint. |
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Epler Fur Company, Inc. • Matt and Danielle Brophy • 233 Chestnut St., St Clair, PA 17970 • Phone 272-245-0104 |