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Copyright©2007-2024 by Epler Fur Co., Inc. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Website by Hawk Mountain Designs |
Lure, Bait & Urine - 2 |
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Epler Flavored Paste Baits |
Epler Flesh Baits |
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New Lure for Dog Proof Traps Special liquid formula designed for use in all dog proof traps. Pour on marshmallow or cotton balls - this lure sticks to the inside of the trap. Use eyedropper full per set. Introductory Special Pricing! |
Chuck Buster The name says it all! As you know, woodchucks are difficult to lure and live trap. This bait will do it for you. Terrific for raccoon also. |
Order #EL19 $8.00 - 6oz. |
Chuck Buster II A valuable addition to your "bag of tricks" this bait is scented with vegetable odors from foods found in a woodcuck's diet. Especially helpful in caging those shy woodchucks. |
Order #EL20 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Bushytail Parade You won't believe the squirrels you can catch with this bait! |
Order #EL21 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Skunkadilla Works exceptionally well on skunk and armadillos. Raccoons won't pass by either! |
Order #EL22 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Epler's DP Supreme Pellet Bait This pellet bait is deadly on raccoons in dog proof traps, cage traps, and dirt holes. This formula is designed to be a bait and lure in one. The fish base and sweet fruit type lure combo makes this an irresistible bait on early to mid-season canines as well. A quart container is enough for 40 sets. |
Order #DPPB $9.50 - 1 quart |
Order #DPPBG $25.00 - 1 gallon |
Epler DP Coon #2 - all season lure |
Order #EDP2 $7.00 - 1 oz. |
Order #EDP2A $25.00 - 4 oz. |
Order EDP2B $30.00 - 1 pint |
Honey Valerian Top raccoon producer. Also great for gray fox. Our favorite land bait. |
Order #EL23 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Anise Great for muskrat, raccoon, beaver and skunk. |
Order #EL25 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Spearmint Raccoon, muskrat, beaver - a real killer at water sets. |
Order #EL27 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Persimmon Great for raccoon, fox and beaver. |
Order #EL26 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Loganberry Great for raccoon, fox and coyote. |
Order #EL28 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Epler's Mouse Bait - This ground rodent bait is a proven canine and cat stopper. It only
takes a small amount to get their attention. Strong and lasting. |
Order #EL50 $8.00 - 4 oz. |
Order #EL51 $14.00 - 8oz. |
Fox & Coyote An excellent chunk meat bait which is extremely attractive to fox and coyote all season long. |
Order #EL32 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Raccoon A very attracative cherry base which is practically dog proof. Good all season. |
Order #EL34 $8.00 - 6 oz. |
Epler Fur Company, Inc. • Matt and Danielle Brophy • 233 Chestnut St., St Clair, PA 17970 • Phone 272-245-0104 |