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Lure, Bait & Urine - 2
Epler Fur
Epler Bait
Epler ADC Baits
Epler Bait
Epler Flavored Paste Baits
Epler Bait
Epler Flesh Baits
Epler Bait
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New Lure for Dog Proof Traps  
Special liquid formula designed for use in all dog proof traps.  Pour on marshmallow or cotton balls - this lure sticks to the inside of the trap.  Use eyedropper full per set.  Introductory Special Pricing!
Epler Bait
Chuck Buster
The name says it all! As you know, woodchucks are difficult to lure and live trap. This bait will do it for you. Terrific for raccoon also.
Order #EL19
$8.00 - 6oz.
Chuck Buster II
A valuable addition to your "bag of tricks" this bait is scented with vegetable odors from  foods found in a woodcuck's diet. Especially helpful in caging those shy woodchucks.
Order #EL20
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Bushytail Parade
You won't believe the squirrels you can  catch with this bait!
Order #EL21
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Works exceptionally well on skunk and armadillos.  Raccoons won't pass by either!
Order #EL22
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Epler Paste Bait
Epler's DP Supreme Pellet Bait
This pellet bait is deadly on raccoons in dog proof traps, cage traps, and dirt holes.  This formula is designed to be a bait and lure in one.  The fish base and sweet fruit type lure combo makes this an irresistible bait on early to mid-season canines as well.  A quart container is enough for 40 sets.
Order #DPPB
$9.50 - 1 quart
Order #DPPBG
$25.00 - 1 gallon
Epler DP Coon #2 - all season lure        
Order #EDP2
$7.00 - 1 oz.
Order #EDP2A
$25.00 - 4 oz.
Order EDP2B
$30.00 - 1 pint
Honey Valerian
Top raccoon producer. Also great for gray fox. Our favorite land bait.
Order #EL23
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Great for muskrat, raccoon, beaver and skunk.
Order #EL25
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Raccoon, muskrat, beaver - a real killer at water sets.
Order #EL27
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Great for raccoon, fox and beaver.
Order #EL26
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Great for raccoon, fox and coyote.
Order #EL28
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Epler's Mouse Bait -  This ground rodent bait is a proven canine and cat stopper.  It only takes a small amount to get their attention.  Strong and lasting.
Order #EL50
$8.00 - 4 oz.
Order #EL51
$14.00 - 8oz.
Fox & Coyote
An excellent chunk meat bait which is extremely attractive to fox and coyote all season long.
Order #EL32
$8.00 - 6 oz.
A very attracative cherry base which is practically dog proof. Good all season.
Order #EL34
$8.00 - 6 oz.
Epler Fur Company, Inc. • Matt and Danielle Brophy • 233 Chestnut St.,
St Clair, PA 17970 • Phone 272-245-0104